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Enable Centre

4.9 (based on 52 people)

  • Health & Fitness
The Enable Centre is an outpatient physical and cognitive rehabilitation facility in the heart of Cape Town. It consists of a multidisciplinary team of biokineticists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists who work together ... More
Tenille Watkins
Tenille Watkins (a month ago )
It’s a lovely center and everyone makes you feel extremely welcome. Dr Evans is very well versed with state of the art testing equipment. I found the diagnosis interesting and the exercises mostly helpful. I can’t help but add that there isn’t much knowledge of how to handle someone who has a panic disorder and so, very tight muscles that don’t recover well. I can do all the exercises but I really suffer afterwards when at home. I did not get the answers I was looking for, but I’ve seen how much this team helps others and how lovely they are to deal with so I’m giving it 4 stars for that reason.
James Kriel
James Kriel (a month ago )
I initially went for pain in my shoulder blade and since then I have nothing but good things to say for Enable Center. The staff are all very friendly and professional and always go above and beyond to help with your recovery. Since going there I have also learnt a lot about how my body functions and what was causing me pain in the first place. Definitely a great group of people who’ll help you with any issues you may be experiencing body wise.
Velile Mbenene
Velile Mbenene (a month ago )
All Bios are very professional and friendly, for them it's a calling, which is what it should be, and not a job... I'd really recommend Rnable centre, they've been a great help for my spine injury.
Tanna Deacon
Tanna Deacon (a month ago )
Had a really great experience a few months ago! Well worth the price, and the person that did the massage was super friendly! Would definitely recommend and come again x
Katie Sobush
Katie Sobush (4 weeks ago )
I have a regressive genetic disease and only through my bio sessions at the enable centre have I regained abilities that I thought were gone. For example I can go up and down stairs again and no longer use a cane. I cannot imagine what my functionality would be without them.